Currently in this office there is a Branch Manager, Branch Sales Manager, Customer Service Officer, Accounts Clerk and various Sales positions such as: Senior Business Managers, Senior Accounts Managers, Accounts Managers, Sales Representatives and Sales Consultants (grads). The team work is excellent, everyone is willing to help each other out in the office and also when people are away everyone chips in to help. Socialising between colleagues is very good, everyone mostly always gets along well.
Graduate, Adelaide - 19 Jul 2017
Redox formally have 2 bonding functions each year where all staff in Adelaide are invited to attend. My office is reasonably young and we enjoy Friday afternoon drinks to all catch up on what everyone is up to for the weekend. Some staff socialise outside of work too. We are a team and all happily look after each other�s customers from time to time. I feel that I could ask anybody in the office for help and they would give their undivided attention. Although nearly everyone is at a different stage in their career, it is not drawn upon too much. Experience is helpful but also coming in with a new look on the situation is good too.
Graduate, Adelaide - 17 Jul 2017
Not a bad culture, I think there is a large age discrepancy with people in the office plus due to the location, makes after hours events difficult to organise and whether you actually want to attend or not. Management are approachable which is good.
Graduate, Sydney - 14 Jul 2017
During office hours not much socialising. Brisbane office does not do Friday afternoon drinks. However, outside of work we do catch up sometimes.
Graduate, Brisbane - 14 Jul 2017